Frequently Asked Questions

Is a laser treatment safe?

All laser treatments are with qualified Aesthetic Practitioners, with risks being very low. Patients must follow aftercare instructions, which will be explained in detail at your consultation.

What aftercare is required?

For optimal results, we recommend a course of 6 treatments, once every 4 weeks.

To improve results and minimize side effects, we recommend the following:

  • Keep the treated area clean and dry.

  • Apply a high factor of 30+ skin protection every day.

  • If discomfort occurs, iced water or a cool, clean cloth will soothe the area.

  • Do not expose the treated area to heat, such as hot baths or saunas.

  • Do not scratch the skin treated; if scabs form, do not pick.

  • Do not expose the treated area to the sun or sunbeds.

  • Do not use occlusive dressings or creams on the area unless advised to.

How long do the results last for?

With a good home skincare regime (including daily use of sunblock), you should see great results for up to 12 months.

What are the risks or potential side effects?

Laser facial rejuvenation is not suitable for the following people:

  • Pregnant or breast-feeding

  • Patients suffering from sunburns, melasma, seizure disorders, hyper-pigmentation, and a history of photo-sensitivity to light.

  • Patients on isotretinoin, topical or oral steroids, medications that cause photo-sensitivity

Immediately after treatment, side effects may include:

  • Redness and swelling in the treatment area may feel like a mild sunburn.

  • Very rarely, a heat rash may be seen. This should settle within 2-3 days. Your practitioner may ask you to use an antihistamine if this occurs.


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